How to do establish connection b/w 2 aws hosts using your local machine as a JUMP host.

How to do establish connection b/w 2 aws hosts using your local machine as a JUMP host.


3 min read

How to do establish connection b/w 2 aws hosts using your local machine as a JUMP host.

Make 2 AWS instances with the choice of your Linux flavour. Here server1 and server2.

Step 1:

Go to the Server2 and run ssh-keygen. It will generate public and private keys in the location /home/ubuntu/.ssh.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen

Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa Your public key has been saved in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:TRZAXJaLZfVvYNPA/fo1p42nfsgsN402GSQDJ9oXrTs ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217 The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 3072]----+ | ooo+o.o.. | | ..*.o.oo.| | *o= o= o| | o+o =..+.| | S .. = .o| | E ooo| | + @+| | . & | | =o | +----[SHA256]-----+

ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217:~/.ssh$ ls

authorized_keys id_rsa

Then open the file authorized_keys using your favourite editor and paste the content of there as the server needs to authorize the public key generated.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217:~/.ssh$ cat ssh-rsa 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 ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217 ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217:~/.ssh$

vim authorized.key

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCDY2ckKD0LMob6UpOAb4lUOrBjLW8a2ujudZDeQOn0Bhjq3Ieeg3G12hILBYqHwEPzbG7TMJQfzdco69WTBFSP3cT7B0tkasIPLlojN8YiyTop/wk/boLOCwk7idLo1hdrAWlZFHtHB4a2lS71Kv1YOJE3O5DNke4+n8giNGkKZuJYQiRnQVVZ9HzIm54YTSBIH1rIBIri4dUU1OZRMawk4tSPZHjUUbUni3CNxABcHIBZQQSCfFCm+WBYTQM7qySwnYtv5qWpbgRlNMRiupwz2AICZPk65w4398KCMJtbwO4Q65CzOIpbfrh2cMZhlEwG4EMZ2DT0Bio0Z7aTM8Qr server2-key ssh-rsa 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 ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217 ~

Step 2:

Now we need to download the private key(id_rsa) in the local computer using scp command. The source is the server2 and the path is /home/ubuntu/.ssh and destination is the local computer current location.

DELL@Titir MINGW64 ~/downloads $ scp -i "server2-key.pem" .

id_rsa 100% 2610 5.7KB/s 00:00

DELL@Titir MINGW64 ~/downloads $ ls id_rsa


Step 3:

Next, we need to copy the id_rsa key from the local computer to the server1.The source is the local pc current directory and destination is the server1’s path /home/ubuntu/.ssh.

DELL@Titir MINGW64 ~/downloads $ scp -i "server1-key.pem" id_rsa

id_rsa 100% 2610 9.0KB/s 00:00

DELL@Titir MINGW64 ~/downloads $

Go to the Server1 and check if copy is successful or not.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-86-247:~/.ssh$ pwd


ubuntu@ip-172-31-86-247:~/.ssh$ ls

authorized_keys id_rsa

Step 4:

Now finally we can go to the path /home/ubuntu/.ssh of the Server1 and try to ssh to the Server2 using the private key id_rsa.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-86-247:~/.ssh$ hostname


ubuntu@ip-172-31-86-247:~/.ssh$ sudo ssh -i id_rsa

Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.2.0-1017-aws x86_64)

System information as of Sun Feb 4 15:38:51 UTC 2024

System load: 0.0 Processes: 98 Usage of /: 20.8% of 7.57GB Users logged in: 1 Memory usage: 22% IPv4 address for eth0: Swap usage: 0%

Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications is not enabled.

0 updates can be applied immediately.

Enable ESM Apps to receive additional future security updates. See or run: sudo pro status

The list of available updates is more than a week old. To check for new updates run: sudo apt update

Last login: Sun Feb 4 15:38:52 2024 from To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo ". See "man sudo_root" for details.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-87-217:~$ hostname

